Monday, November 24, 2008

9 Month Pictures

Here are Thomas' stats:
Height - 30 inches
Weight - 18.12 lbs
Latest tricks - He can pull himself up on things now, which means he has fallen a few times and bonked his head. He is starting to say tons of baby words, but he mostly says dada. He loves pulling my hair and smacking me in the face. He loves eating puff cereal. He hates getting his diaper changed and getting dressed. He loves when the kitties walk by him and rub his face.

A face only a mother could love. :)

1 comment:

Jeana & Jonathan said...

I can not believe how big he is getting!!! Those pictures are so cute and love that last one, his little facial expression is hilarous. We can't wait to see you guys in a couple of days.